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Only a well-trained and highly-experienced chiropractor, medical doctor or physical therapist can properly diagnose and treat car accident injuries before you begin to experience severe symptoms. Why? Because chiropractors or other experienced accident doctors know the special ins-and-outs of car crash injuries and how their presentations of injury may differ due to the different factors experienced during a car accident. Anyone and everyone who has been in a car accident should visit a chiropractor within two weeks of the accident. Chiropractors can diagnose and treat serious injuries before they derail your life. Even if your car accident occurred at low speed, car velocity and injuries are not correlated to the speed of the accident which means every person involved in an accident should be assessed after to prevent future problems. Even car accidents at speeds of 10 to 15 km/hour can cause significant injuries.

We understand that car accidents are stressful enough without the added concern of treatment. He works with your insurance company after your accident to take care of your treatment. Many people are not aware that their car insurance carries coverage for injuries after an accident, therefore most people don’t have to pay anything out of pocket for their care. Chiropractic treatment is covered by insurance for people who have recently been in a car accident. We accept both attorney and personal liens. Our facility has also collaborated and developed personal relationships with other medical colleagues, as well as law firms throughout southern California.

Think about this: If you aren’t evaluated by a chiropractor following an accident, you may be on your own to pay for treatment later, as the settlement may close and your insurance company will not pay for future treatment.

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